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Horticulture – Department H

Sandra Hammer and Pam Huffman

Department Superintendents

Rules and Regulations

Section I – Senior Horticulture

  • Online entries will be accepted through Fair Entry. Please pre-register your exhibits before you arrive. There will still be volunteers to check in if you are not able pre-register.
  • In order to help the Horticulture Department in entering all vegetables in the proper categories, there will not be additional categories added at sign-up and only those in the book will be recognized.
  • Where there are only one or two exhibits in a category, judging will be determined by the judges based on the quality of the exhibits.
  • Only home-grown produce raised by the exhibitor will be allowed to be exhibited. Any exhibitor found to exhibit purchased produce will forfeit ribbons, premiums and, where applicable, sweepstakes.
  • Exhibits will be received 2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. on Sunday, August 11, 2024 and 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 Noon on Monday, August 12, 2024 only.
  • Display Tips: Uniformity is a key in displaying more than one of any item. Do not deform fruit or vegetables by cutting off parts. Display consumer size items, not too large or small and damage free.
  • Items need to be picked up on Sunday, August 18, 2024 between 2 p.m. and 4 p.m.
  • Must be a resident of Rockingham County, including the City of Harrisonburg.
  • Only one entry per individual per class, including scarecrow.
  • All rules and regulations of the Senior Division apply to the Junior Division.
  • Open to 4-H, FFA & FHA members, and other youth 19 years of age and under, who have actively participated in the culture of the entries.
  • Classes in this division will be identical to those in the Senior Section. They will be identified by the same class number.

Section II – Junior Horticulture

Premiums 1st - $4.00 2nd - $3.00 3rd – $2.00

Division 1 – Vegetables

H-1. Display- Must include 8 Vegetables (Size-not over 2 feet wide)

H-2. Novelty – Natural Novelty (single item) H-3. Man-made Novelty (single item)

H-4. Novelty-Arranged (4 or more items) H-5. Beans-Lima(bush) ¼ cup, hulled

H-6. Beans-Lima(pole) ¼ cup, hulled H-7. Beans-Soybeans ¼ cup, hulled

H-8. Beans-String(bush) (10)

H-9. Beans-String(pole) (10)

H-10. Beans-String (extra long) (10)

H-11. Beans-October ¼ cup, hulled

H-12. Beans-Purple (10)

H-13. Beans-Waxed (10)

H-14. Black-eyed Peas ¼ cup, hulled

H-15. Beets (3) no stems

H-16. Broccoli (1 stalk)

H-17. Brussel Sprouts (3)

H-18. Cabbage-Chinese(stalk)

H-19. Cabbage-Head

H-20. Cabbage-Red

H-21. Cantaloupe

H-22. Carrots (3) no stems

H-23. Cashew

H-24. Cauliflower (1 head)

H-25. Celery (1 head)

H-26. Corn-Indian (3 ears, shuck)

H-27. Corn-Popcorn (3 ears, shuck)

H-28. Corn-Sweet White (3 ears, shuck)

H-29. Corn-Sweet Yellow (3 ears, shuck)

H-30. Collards

H-31. Cucumbers (slicing) (3)

H-32. Cucumbers (pickling) (3)

H-33. Eggplant

H-34. Endive

H-35. Gourd (3)

H-36. Gourd Display (5 different varieties)

H-37. Kale

H-38. Kohlrabi

H-39. Lettuce (1 stalk)

H-40. Mustard Green

H-41. Okra (3)

H-42. Onions, White-Large (over 3” diameter) (3)

H-43. Onions, White-Small (3)

H-44. Onions, Yellow-Large (over 3” diameter) (3)

H-45. Onions, Yellow-Small (3)

H-46. Onions, Red-Large (over 3” diameter) (3)

H-47. Onions, Red-Small (3)

H-48. Parsnips (3)

H-49. Peppers-Sweet Banana (3)

H-50. Peppers –Hot, Green (3)

H-51. Peppers – Hot, Red (3)

H-52. Peppers – Hot, Orange (3)

H-53. Peppers-Sweet (3)

H-54. Potatoes-Bliss (3)

H-55. Potatoes-Cobblers (3)

H-56. Potatoes-Kennebec (3)

H-57. Potatoes-Red Pontiac (3)

H-58. Potatoes-Sweet (3)

H-59. Potatoes-Yukon Gold (3)

H-60. Pumpkin

H-61. Pumpkin-White

H-62. Pumpkin-Mini Yellow (3)

H-63. Pumpkin-Mini White (3)

H-64. Radish (3)

H-65. Rhubarb (3 stems)

H-66. Rutabaga (3)

H-67. Salsify (3)

H-68. Spinach (1 stalk)

H-69. Squash-Acorn

H-70. Squash-Butternut

H-71. Squash-Scalloped H-72. Squash-Spaghetti

H-73. Squash-Straight Neck

H-74. Squash-Crooked

H-75. Squash-Zucchini

H-76. Sunflower-Seed Head H-77. Swiss Chard (1 stalk)

H-78. Tomatoes-Cherry, Red (3)

H-79. Tomatoes-Cherry, Yellow (3)

H-80. Tomatoes-Cherry, Variety (Heirloom) (3)

H-81. Tomatoes-Pear (3)

H-82. Tomatoes-Slicing, Red (3)

H-83. Tomatoes, Slicing, Yellow (3)

H-84. Tomatoes-Italian (3)

H-85. Tomatoes-Canning (3)

H-86. Turnips (3, no stems)

H-87. Watermelon

Division 2 - Largest

H-88. Largest Watermelon H-89. Largest Cucumber

H-90. Largest Tomato

H-91. Largest Head of Cabbage

H-92. Largest Potato

H-93. Largest Pepper

H-94. Largest Cantaloupe

H-95. Largest Sweet Potato

H-96. Longest Green Bean

H-97. Largest Pumpkin

H-98. Tallest Sunflower

Division 3 – Fruits

H-99. Apples-Crab (3)

H-100. Apples-Lodi (3)

H-101. Apples-Golden Delicious (3)

H-102. Apples-Red Delicious (3)

H-103. Apples-Roma (3)

H-104. Apples-Stayman (3)

H-105. Blackberries (1/4 cup) H-106. Blueberries (1/4 cup)

H-107. Grapes-Blue or Black (1 bunch)

H-108. Grapes-Red (1 bunch)

H-109. Grapes-White (1 bunch) H-110. Nectarines (3)

H-111. Peaches (3)

H-112. Pears (3)

H-113. Plums-Prune Type (3)

H-114. Plums-Round Type (3)

H-115. Strawberries (1 cup)

H-116. Raspberries (1/4 cup)

H-117. Boysenberries (1/4 cup)

Division 4 – Scarecrow

NOTE: Scarecrows should be lovable, mischievous or humorous, not frightening. (Witch or monster faces on scarecrows will be disqualified)

1st - $30.00 2nd - $23.00 3rd - $17.00

H-131. Scarecrow

H-132. Scarecrow – Entered by Nursing Home or Senior Living Facility

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