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Home > 2024 Competitions > Barn Raising Fundraisers

January 20 - Black Tie Barn Raising

Information and Tickets

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January 20th at 6:00 p.m.

Big City Band will be performing!

Rockingham County Fair Exhibit Hall
Tables seat 10 people, $1000 to be a table sponsor
Tickets $100.00
Our WHY:

As the new year approaches, we are in the decision-making process of what projects will be able to be completed by August in time for our fairgoers to enjoy. We are working to ensure money for a new livestock barn to eliminate the need for two tents to house sheep and goats. Our fair’s livestock numbers continue to grow, which is amazing, but with this growth it is requiring our fair board to make decisions on how to handle these large number of show animals. We are seeking donations to help with this new barn. The cost of the new barn is estimated at $550,000. The size of this new barn will be 80’ by 200’, if not a little larger.
As we continue to grow and move forward, you will see or hear me say “The Rockingham County Fairgrounds is where the community comes together all year long”. I truly believe our fair board, staff and myself will make it a priority for our association members and our community to feel like our fair and facilities are the best in the state!

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